Emergency Medicine (EM) has been a board recognised medical speciality in the United states since 1979.

The need to have trained doctors in the Emergency Services was long recognized in India but it was in the year 2009 that the Medical Council of India (MCI) recognized EM as a separate specialty.

As of 2014, academic department of EM has been established in 28 medical colleges as permitted by the Medical Council of India.

Emergency Medicine is a unique speciality that trains the physician to acquire the basic surgical and medical skills to recognise and manage the urgent, emergent and acute aspects of disease affecting patients across all age groups, gender, physiological and psychological states.

The Department of Emergency Medicine, Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, currently offers training to two postgraduates in Emergency Medicine (MD Emergency Medicine) every academic year as per Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) and Medical Council Of India (MCI) norms and regulations.

This 40 bedded department caters to 48,000 people on an annual basis, with an average intake of 130 patients a day.

Faculty in the Department of Emergency Medicine
NameQualification and year of passing
Dr. Babu Urumese PalattyMD General Medicine (1995)
Dr. Jayaraj M BMD Anaesthesia (2007)
Dr. Rajeev P CMD General Medicine (2006)
Dr. Salish VargheseMD General Medicine (2010)
Dr. Vivek GopinathanDNB General Medicine (2011)
Dr. Margie XavierMS General Surgery (1991)
Dr. Jerry Johny T. UzhunnumpuramMD Emergency Medicine (2012)
Dr. Binod BasheerMD Emergency Medicine (2011) FCCM (2012)
Dr. Vimal Krishnan SMD Emergency Medicine (2015)
Dr. Siju V AbrahamMD Emergency Medicine (2015)
Dr. Reshma ChandramohanMBBS (2005), FEM (2007)
Dr. Elona TomMBBS (2010)
Dr. Arun RameshMBBS (2012)
Dr. Ronald Jaison MelitMBBS (2012)
Dr. Sherin SajiMBBS (2012)
Dr. Krishna DasMBBS (2012)
Dr. Aleesha K JMBBS (2013)
Dr. Anette Shruthi ThomasMBBS (2013)
Dr. Midhila Johny PathroseMBBS (2015)
Post Graduate Residents In The Department Of Emergency Medicine
Ajay APGY3MBBS (2011)
Vineeth Chandran K PPGY3MBBS (2012)
Vimal Koshy ThomasPGY2MBBS (2010)
Linu APGY2MBBS (2013)
Kassyap C KPGY1MBBS (2010)
Sanjan APGY1MBBS (2013)
Staff Nurses Working in the Department of Emergency Medicine
NameQualification and experience (as of 08/2015)
Geenamol JoyGNM (31 years)
Rosily C PGNM (22 years)
Nini GeorgeGNM (20 years)
Sheena AugustineGNM (12 years)
Anu PaulGNM (8 years 6 months)
Bilby C PGNM (8 years)
Dolphy JoseGNM (5 years)
Sr DaisyGNM, P Bsc, (2 years)
Dinesh K CGNM (6 years)
Jeejo JoseGNM (6 years 6 months)
Joju JohnyGNM (7 years)
Linto ScariyaGNM (5 years)
Daifin DavisGNM (6 years)
Sandeep SGNM, Diploma in EM (7 years)
Roshan JohnGNM (5 years)
ChaithanyaGNM (8 years)
Gigimon KGNM (8 years)
Cyril K SGNM (7 years)
Mable JosephGNM (11 years)
Lini K PGNM (14 years 6 months)
Jibi JohnsonB Sc (3 years 6 months)
Shilly K SGNM (9 years 6 months)
Jimsy JoseGNM (3 years)
Binimol C VGNM (3 years)
Nisa JohnGNM (5 years)
Nomy SebastianB Sc (7 years)
Gini GeorgeGNM (2 years 9 months)
Riya JoyGNM (3 years)
Sini ThomasGNM (3 years)
Teena JohnsonBSc (3 years)
Rhia ElizabethBSc (1 year)
Aswathy P AGNM (6 years)
Jiya JoseGNM (2 years 6 months)
Ann RachelBSc (5 months)
Sherin JoseBSc (5 months)
Sini U SBSc (1 year 6 months)
Georgeena PBSc (2 years 6 months)
Maries P JGNM (2010), P BSc (2015) (2 years 6 months)

Care of multiply injured victim is challenging in pre-hospital, emergency department and intensive care settings. Ultrasound acts as a visual stethoscope providing the examiner with anatomical and physiological information that aid in patient care.

AIIMS Ultrasound Trauma Life Support Course (AUTLS) course takes place in conjunction with AIIMS where candidates are given hands on training in point of care emergency ultrasound.

The faculty comprises of eminent instructors from All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Jubilee Mission Medical College.

Jubilee Mission Medical College equipped with a dedicated ultrasound training lab acts as the satellite hub of AIIMS, New Delhi in association with International Council for Critical Emergency Sonography (ICCES) for the training of post graduate students, residents, consultants, practitioners of Surgery, Medicine, Anaesthesia, Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care in point of care sonology.


BASIC is a two day course that comprises of lectures and small group skills stations. It is a concept originally developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and since has been endorsed by ESICM and ISCCM. It is an introduction course, intended for those interested in Intensive Care Medicine. The course has been developed to include a written course book, and utilizes a standardized course method with short tutorials and skill stations.


Every two months department conducts the American Heart Association accredited Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support courses.

The target population includes the MBBS students, postgraduates, nursing staff, residents and practitioners. The programme is conducted by American Heart Association. certified instructors over a period of three days. There will be theory and practical examinations and successful candidates will be awarded a pass certificate by the American Heart Association.


This training is aimed at improving the basic emergency and trauma care knowledge and skills of the healthcare workers as well as non-health care providers.

The course module focuses on basic emergency care of the common emergencies encountered such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, drowning, electric current injury, foreign body obstruction, trauma and poisoning. It is one of the outreach programmes conducted by the department in collaboration with AIIMS, New Delhi that caters to the lay public and equip them with skills required for basic emergency care.


This programme is aimed at teaching first responder groups like the police personnel, fire and rescue personnel, ambulance drivers, scouts and guides, red cross volunteers to respond to acute care situation like trauma.


1. http://acep.org
2. Aggarwal, Praveen, et al. "The 2014 Academic College of Emergency Experts in India's Education Development Committee (EDC) White Paper on establishing an academic department of Emergency Medicine in India–Guidelines for Staffing, Infrastructure, Resources, Curriculum and Training. "Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock 7.3 (2014): 196.
3. http://mciindia.org/InformationDesk/CollegesCoursesSearch.aspx?N=235
4. http://www.jubileemissionmedicalcollege.org/downloads/FACULTY%20List%202013%20March.pdf
5. http://www.aiimsultrasound.org/
6. Ralls PW. Sonography in the 21st century. J Ultrasound Med. 2001; 20:87-88.
7. http://www.aiimsultrasound.org/faculty.asp
8. http://www.aic.cuhk.edu.hk/web8/BASIC.htm
9. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/General/About-Us---American-Heart-Association_UCM_305422_SubHomePage.jsp
10. https://sites.google.com/site/scueth/becc/

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